Doctor Khalid

Top Tips For How To Fall Asleep Fast  | How To Sleep Fast - Dr Khalid Zalmay

Top Tips For How To Fall Asleep Fast | How To Sleep Fast Members Public

Have you ever found it difficult to sleep at night but failed to do so despite all your efforts? Do you envy those who can sleep early effortlessly while it’s another whole level of struggle for you? Then you are not alone as for some people sleeping early at

Doctor Khalid
Common Health Conditions
Will the covid vaccine cause period changes and menstrual problems?

Will the Covid-19 Vaccines Cause Period Changes And Affect My Menstrual Cycle? Members Public

Summary of the latest data and science on whether covid vaccines change women's periods.I have had a few patients ask me this exact question recently and as a family doctor working in the UK, I thought I'd take a deep dive and find out the

Doctor Khalid

Doctor Explains 12 Things Not to Put on Your Face Members Public

Prompted by the recent videos of people doing the TikTok Full-face hot wax challenge, I've dived into a whole host of things to not put on your face. In search of brighter and younger-looking skin people are putting some odd thing on their faces! These are the common

Doctor Khalid
7 Simple Hay Fever Treatments to Try at Home

What is Hay Fever? 7 Simple Natural Hay Fever Treatments to Try at Home Members Public

It's that time of the season again and we say hello to an old friend - hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis. Before we dive into the treatments, its worth knowing what it is and how to best deal with it. It is essentially an allergic reaction

Doctor Khalid
Common Health Conditions
Sore throat treatment and home remedies for quick recovery. Best sore throat treatment.

How to Treat a Sore Throat Naturally and Quickly at Home Members Public

We've all had a sore throat from time to time, so here are some science-backed home remedies you can try...

Doctor Khalid
Common Health Conditions