Doctor Khalid

Lower Limb Examination Members Public

The lower limb neurological examination is part of the neurological exam that focuses on the motor and sensory neurons that innervate the lower limbs. It is useful in identifying pathology that effects the lower limbs. The key components of this examination are; tone, power, reflexes, sensation and function. The ability

Doctor Khalid
OSCE Guides

Thyroid Examination Members Public

The thyroid gland examination or thyroid status examination involves both a peripheral examination of the patient as well as the examination of their thyroid gland. It is important to know signs and symptoms of hypothyroid and hyperthyroid disease. The ability to assess these in a systematic and slick manner is

Doctor Khalid
OSCE Guides

Respiratory Examination Members Public

The respiratory examination involves an assessment of how a patient's lungs are functioning. Like most examination, it is a systemic examination that looks for signs of respiratory compromise such as breathlessness, chest pain, haemoptysis or wheeze. It is one of the key clinical examinations of OSCE finals. Therefore

Doctor Khalid
OSCE Guides

Cranial Nerves Examination Members Public

The cranial nerve examination is part of the neurological exam. It is useful in identifying pathology in the 12 pairs of cranial nerves that come from the brain. The ability to test them in a systematic and slick manner is one of the key requirements as a medical student. Although

Doctor Khalid
OSCE Guides

Gastrointestinal Examination Members Public

The examination of the abdomen (or Gastrointestinal exam) is an examination that looks for signs of pathology within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The GI exam does not simply focus on the abdomen but is also a systemic clinical examination of the patient. It is also one of the core aspects

Doctor Khalid
OSCE Guides

Mental State Examination Members Public

The mental state examination or mental status examination (MSE) is used when assessing patients from a mental health point of view. Equal importance must be give to the mental state exam as a student would give for doing a CVS exam for a patient with chest pain. This examination is

Doctor Khalid
OSCE Guides

Knee Examination Members Public

The examination of the knee is a key musculoskeletal examination to master. It is commonly tested in OSCE exams. More importantly, if you end up working in general practice or in the emergency department, chances are you will need to be able to distinguish between a simple strain and damage

Doctor Khalid
OSCE Guides
How to do a cardiovascular examination - Full Guide and Video

Cardiovascular Examination Members Public

The cardiovascular examination (CVS) is the examination of a patient's heart and circulatory system. The CVS exam does not simply focus on the chest but is also a systemic clinical examination of the patient. It is also one of the core aspects of any OSCE exam. In the

Doctor Khalid
OSCE Guides